Pet Day
2024 Pet Day Animal and Project Criteria.docx
Pet Day Newsletter 2 sending Info Book June 24.docx
2023 PET DAY
2023 PET DAY
Growing Winners
Junior: Joshua Hunt
Intermediate: Jaden Hunt
Senior: Olivia Mowl
Technology Winners
Junior: Billy Lever
Intermediate: Jurgen Tsai
Senior: Nevaan Singh
Junior: Scarlett Kemp
Intermediate: Archie Tomlinson
Senior: Amelia Kemp
Reserve Chicken: Jamie Crooks
Overall Chicken Champ: Tyler Kemp
Reserve Goat: Lex Clark
Champion Goat: Mason Fraser
Junior Reserve Lamb: Thomas Wooley
Junior Champion: Thomas Pike
Intermediate Reserve Lamb: McKenzie Campbell
Intermediate Champion Lamb: Olivia Price
Senior Reserve Lamb: Sophia Muir
Senior Champion: Ryan Burr
Best Beef Type Calf: Niko Wielenga
Best Dairy Type Calf: Genevieve Patton
Reserve Champion Calf: Clara Wielenga
Champion Calf: Niko Wielenga
Pet Day in the 1940s
Pet Day in the 1940s
Pet Day in the 1960s
Pet Day in the 1960s
Pet Day in the 1970s
Pet Day in the 1970s
Pet Day in the 1990s
Pet Day in the 1990s
2023 Pet Day
2023 Pet Day
21 07 Guide to safely weaning your Lambs & Kids.pdf
GuidetoRearingChickenJuly2022 (1).pdf
Pet Day Newsletter 2 sending Info Book June 24.docx