Digital Learning Vision as a BYOD School
Students and staff are independent digital learners and thinkers. They strive to do their personal best by making the appropriate learning choices and selecting the relevant tools and digital content to enhance authentic learning through the use of teaching and learning inquiry. For our vision statements and goals to be sustained we as teachers, plan for authentic learning experiences that use technologies that promote problem-solving, communication, collaboration, and higher-order thinking. Students can personalise, interact with, present, share and create their content, and reflect on their learning and the learning of others.
Students can bring a device to school to assist in their learning. Students are fully responsible for the care of their device while at school. The devices are to be used for learning and students are expected to act as good digital citizens and abide by the Student and User Agreements.
Our fast internet connection has assisted us as a blended learning school, with devices used by all students when deemed useful for learning. Included with this is a robust filtering system via N4L (Network for Learning).
Student User Agreement Key Expectations
We want our school to be a place that is safe and friendly, where we can learn, play and explore. To do this, we need everyone to choose safe, careful, and fair ways of using devices and online spaces.
As a digital citizen, this means we will:
Keep it kind. When you are online, think about others and talk or share in a kind way.
Keep it to yourself. Keep your passwords and information about yourself or other people safe and private.
Keep it careful. Think carefully about what you share and make sure it’s something you are proud of and would be happy sharing with someone else face to face.
Keep it real. Not everything you see online is real. It might look or sound real, but some things are made up or fake, so be careful to check or ask a teacher if you’re unsure.
Keep it honest. When we copy or use words, pictures and ideas from the internet, we need to make sure we share these things in the right way and follow the rules for sharing things that don’t belong to us.
Keep it fair. Make sure you check with others if it is okay to record them or share photos or videos with them in it. They should have a say in what happens to things that go online if they are in them.
Keep it responsible. If you bring your device to school, use it in ways and at the times that your teacher says it is okay to.
Digital literacy is the ability to understand and fully participate in the digital world is fundamental to digital citizenship. It is the combination of technical and social skills that enable a person to be successful and safe in the information age.
Pukekohe East School uses Seesaw as a digital platform promoting student engagement which enables students to share their learning with family and other students via a safe and easy-to-use app that can be used on any device. We also use Google Workspace for Years 5-6. Blending the use of digital devices in classroom programmes enables teachers to tailor learning to the individual learner. There is still pencil and paper used, and students are not sitting in front of screens all day, a common misconception.
Devices such as iPads, Samsung tablets and some laptops or Chromebooks are suitable for bringing to school. iPads are generally used in the junior class. We have computers available at school but we encourage students to have their own device. Ultimately it is family choice as to what device they use.
Digital Device School Expectations
To enhance the learning opportunities provided we expect all students to:
bring the device fully charged every day
download all the apps required for class and put them in a folder
keep both device and apps updated– to be done at home
have a robust case/ cover ensuring the device is protected
name device on outside and within the device (in settings)
have adequate storage space available
have adequate battery life to last the day- no charging at school
regularly close opened apps after use
remember the password (if used on the device)
look after the device and be fully responsible for its care
put the device in the lockable device storage place at break times.
use the device for learning purposes only
be a good digital citizen.
Blending the use of digital devices in classroom programmes enables teachers to tailor learning to the individual learner. There is still pencil and paper and students are not sitting in front of screens all day, a common misconception. Digital learning enables a connected approach to learning, placing control and agency of learning in the hands of learners so that access to the curriculum is ubiquitous and no longer constrained by time and place.
Ubiquitous learning means… learning anywhere, anytime, using any device.
Pukekohe East School is BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) School. For more information please contact the school office 09 2388708.